Smt assembly equipment

Tool Requirement: To manufacture the electronic components, these need to be accompanied by tools for their fabrication. But before any more  lets prep those good endorphin-makers to make this happen.

Electronics Parish,, > QTA (Quick Turn About)

Pick and Place Machines: Pick-and-place machines for small parts of the PCB that need to be mounted on it quickly, which saves a lot of productivity

Reflow Ovens: In reflow ovens, the heat allows placement of components on board quickly and reliably instead of solder paste manually or wave machine resulting in a lot time-saver during manufacturing

Screen Printers - Screen printers regulate the application of solder paste onto board to NeoDen Technology fastest pick and place machine  ensure accuracy in assembly

Automated Optical Inspection (AOI)- It checks the PCB for any defect present in it to avoid non-value added activity

X-Ray Inspection System: It provides the right Production output by eliminating hard to detect faults.  

Why choose NeoDen Technology Smt assembly equipment?

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